Saturday 2 July 2016

How to grow your own vertical garden

Making room for gardens in today’s urban landscape is a really tough job; most of us live in apartments with tiny balconies where having even a couple of plants are problematic.

Hardcore gardening buffs have come up with a way around this problem - vertical gardens!

Plants in containers or geo felt bags mounted on the wall is quite a popular concept abroad and is fast catching up in Indian metros as well.

The primary area of concern for vertical gardening is watering, which has to be done using a certain method. The excess water should drain out through a proper channel. Seasonal flowers, philodendron and money plants are ideal for vertical home gardens. You can opt for indoor or outdoor plants. Having a vertical garden save you a lot of space and help in bringing freshness and purity in your home.

How to begin
Identify the area where you want the green wall. Any wall is good, but it's always better if you choose one that gets some natural light, even if indirect. Think about your budget and research to find good budget ideas.

Area required
All you need is a wall or a partition; you can go for a boundary wall or even a small balcony wall. The structure of the green wall should be a three-layer sandwich -frame, plastic sheet and fabric -so that even when you attach it to a wall, it stays unharmed. This also makes dismounting easy.

Choosing plants
For indoors use plants that thrive in shade, while for areas like balcony walls etc you can opt for sun loving varieties of plants.

How to water the plants
If your green wall has a drip irrigation system, you just need to turn on a tap and your plants get watered in no time. Otherwise, you can use a hose for outdoor walls and a spray gun for indoor plants.

How to maintain the garden
Maintenance is dependent on the type of plants and the unit. If you're using green walls from reputed companies that offer you soil-less units, then minimal maintenance is required. However, plants need good care, and if watered properly, they require less maintenance

Remember vertical gardens are somewhat expensive, and need good care. So consider carefully before you commit.

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