Wednesday 7 September 2016

Making your home look more spacious

A spacious home is incredibly appealing to potential buyers and renters. After all, no wants to live in a space that is cramped and cluttered. Even if you home is relatively small there are ways you can maximize the space you do have.

Here we bring you top tips to make your home seem more spacious to potential buyers.

Unclutter and Reduce
The first key step is to clear your countertops, remove clutter and brick-a-brack and getting rid of oversized furniture.
When it comes to furniture a “less is more” is the best approach. Keep in mind that when you are showing a home, there might be at least 4 to 5 people walking through it at one time. So ensure that they do not go bumping into things.

Lighten and brighten
Light colored walls and great lighting are half the battle won in terms of adding appeal to a home. Allowing in natural light also add an airy and well-ventilated look.
Removing big area rugs and big pictures from the walls also add more space and helps them stand out.

Smaller Furniture means a bigger room
Large pieces of furniture are generally the culprit in making spaces appear smaller and cluttered. Huge couches and dining tables may look majestic but are better suited in standalone bungalows than in apartments,
Positioning furniture in groups, away from walls creates the effect of a bigger room.

"A general rule of thumb is: the more space visible on floor and walls, the better". 

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