Wednesday 7 October 2015

Great News for Homebuyers, cut on Interest Rate.

Reduced Rate Of Interest makes this Diwali a great occasion to invest in property.

Loans are now an integral part of our lifestyle and a major chunk of our salaries goes into them. From purchasing a Home to live in, to a Vehicle to drive and even Phones that we use most of us get them via loan. This blog would help you understand the current scenario in Loan Sector.

With great news from RBI on the 5th of October 2015 by cutting down the rates, existing and potential home buyers are delighted as this means it would bring down the borrowing cost.

This step taken by the RBI would be a considerable reduction in the EMI that one would pay, for a home loan of 60 lakh for 20 years there would be a cut down by almost Rs 1500, this has given customers huge relief.

With the latest RBI measures to protect customers with home loans is a proposal to change the way banks determine their `base rate’, acting as a benchmark for all floating rate loans.

This step taken has been taken by Reserve Bank of India, as customers had been complaining of a raw deal in pricing.

Reserve Bank of India has been taking various measures in recent years to offer a better deal for home loan borrowers.

Monday 5 October 2015

Buying Property Simplified Like Never Before!

With the new philosophy and initiative taken by the current Indian Government for development and growth is a real booster for real estate sector as well. P M Modi has already announced the launch of 100 smart cities this shows their seriousness towards their cause for development and growth.

The vision of developing 100 smart cities as satellite towns of larger cities by modernizing the existing mid-sized cities, with first  cities would be filtered by 2015, 40 more cities by 2016 and the last 40 by 2017. This is foreseen as a great strategic move in the rapid growth and development of Real Estate Sector.

From the past 2 to 3 years real estate market has been on a downfall with the price hike in the property sector, the demand and supply balance has been affected with number of projects on a rise and actual demand of such property is quite less.

Considering such factors the builders are now moving to a segment of affordable housing, to make sure that they can provide services to people looking for affordable houses or property. Now builders wish to work for the satisfaction of end users.

The most convenient method of filtering the property that suits your budget and requirement is through the internet, where one can search, filter and even compare different property to have a more narrow approach. Internet is a great medium of finding all that you need to know about buying a property from location, builder history, various projects, amenities and even bank tie –ups and approvals all available just a click away from you.

The entire world is on internet and everyone is going digital then why should real estate be behind, real estate sector has also adapted digital medium of marketing to bring products and services directly to the end users as well as to suite their comfort.

How some few simple tips and tricks helps you Home filled with better energies.

Vaastu Shastra:

Vaastu Shastra is a tool or set of guidelines that can be used very efficiently for flow of energies in your house. These are simple and helpful tips for arrangement of rooms and the placement of furniture to create a smooth pathway for energies to flow through your house. One can follow these tips to have a proper Vaastu Compliant Home.

The Entrance:

First impression is the last impression and when we talk about the first impression that one gets is through the entrance. I works like magic if you just play with it a bit, it can work like a mood setter and leaves a positive impact. Make sure that the design of your entrance should be simple and welcoming.


Using Plants in and around your house is not just healthy but also decorates your house to give a pleasing feel. According to few studies it is said that they bring life force or Prana into the home and helps keep air clean. Plants act as natural filters thus purify and clean the air that we breathe. Plants should be strong and healthy, advisable to avoid using dry or sick plants.


Early morning sunrays are great to source of energy for human body, spirit and mind. They uplifts and cheer one to start a great day ahead, design your interiors and home in a way  that you can get ample amount of sunrays flowing in your house, as they are also great source of energies.   

Art Effects and Paintings:

If you have a great and ambient entrance with decorative use plants added with great interior in which you can experiment with Art Effects or Paintings to add a balance between art and nature.

From an energetic standpoint, their influence will resonate throughout the home. For optimal results it is advisable to place a mural or paintings that support both you and your home by following vaastu rules.


Every colour has a unique vibration all of its own, and this can significantly affect how you feel in a room or house. You can use the colours according to its characteristics.

Green Colour is very restful but combines with an energizing quality. Green brings balance and harmony, healing, and rejuvenation to a room, and can be used as a calming place for people who are troubled or in need of refreshment.

Red Colour is a powerful and stimulating colour. It will energize, inspire activity and movement. It can also be exhausting and overpowering, and stressful for those who are anxious.

Pink Colour is less demanding. Choosing a red bedroom would not be restful, although some red can be used to enhance sensuality.

Orange Colour will encourage happy, joyful, social gatherings. While an orange dining room or family room can stimulate the appetite, it is a great choice for such gathering places. Orange enhances parties. 

Yellow rooms inspire intellectual clarity, organization, clear headed articulate thinking, and happy energy. Yellow is considered a colour for the logical left side of the brain. Yellow is also very bright and somewhat energizing, so one needs to choose its placement with care.

Blue can be often chosen for bedrooms and meditation rooms because it’s cool energy is very calming, restful, peaceful, and spiritual. Blue helps inspire a quiet meditative quality, and colour therapy with blue has been found to reduce blood pressure. Blue is also useful to soothe one to sleep.

Purple is very comforting, protective, spiritual, and calming. It is a rich colour, which inspires faith, intuition and trust. Entire rooms painted purple could be overpowering, but a light violet could provide a very healing and calming atmosphere.

White rooms work anywhere combined with accent colours. White is very purifying, uplifting and cleansing, although too much white can reflect a sterile, isolating quality. White ceilings are recommended because they reflect light and brighten any room.